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Loc Quantum Airframe Tubing

Loc Quantum Airframe Tubing

Regular price $36.50 AUD
Regular price Sale price $36.50 AUD
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The Quantum Tube airframes from Public Missiles Ltd. are highly recommended for various sport rocketry uses due to their exceptional quality. The QT material is user-friendly and requires minimal effort to work with and finish, as it does not have any spiral grooves that need filling. It boasts great strength, making it a top choice for most rocket launches. Additionally, it can withstand rough handling and endure harsh landings without damage. It's important to note that while QT is a versatile material, it should not be used as a substitute for fiberglassed phenolic in applications involving transonic or supersonic flight conditions. Moreover, caution is advised when using QT in minimum diameter setups because the intense heat generated by the motor casing could potentially harm the airframe.

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