Which Motors can I purchase?
MPR Motors
Purchasing of MPR Motors is unrestricted, however you may need to complete a number of LPR flights with your local rocketry club/association before you are allowed to fly them. Check your local rocketry club/association website for more information. MPR motors include motors classes of G and below.
HPR L1 Motors
HPR L1 motors may only be purchased if you are TRA HPR L1 certified, or if you are attempting your HPR L1 Certification. If you are attempting your HPR L1 certification, you may only purchase up to 2 HPR L1 motors. If you fly these motors and are unsuccessful in obtaining your HPR L1 certification, you may purchase additional HPR L1 motors. HPR L1 motors include motor classes of H and I.
HPR L2 Motors
HPR L2 motors may only be purchased by if you are TRA HPR L2 certified, or if you are attempting your HPR L2 Certification. If you are attempting your HPR L2 certification, you may only purchase up to 2 HPR L2 motors. If you fly these motors and are unsuccessful in obtaining your HPR L2 certification, you may purchase additional HPR L2 motors. HPR L2 motors include motor classes of J, K and L.
HPR L3 Motors
HPR L3 motors may only be purchased by if you are TRA HPR L3 certified, or if you are attempting your HPR L3 Certification. If you are attempting your HPR L3 certification, you may only purchase up to 2 HPR L3 motors. If you fly these motors and are unsuccessful in obtaining your HPR L3 certification, you may purchase additional HPR L3 motors. HPR L3 motors include motor classes of M and above.